The Different Treatment Between高考英语作

时间:2020-06-12 08:00:29 考试作文 我要投稿

The Different Treatment Between高考英语作文

  在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?下面是小编收集整理的The Different Treatment Between高考英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

The Different Treatment Between高考英语作文

  Most people believe that perfect outlook will bring good luck, those people who have good looking will get succeed easier than those who don’t. The fact is that not all the good looking people share good chances to become succeed. It is reported that the women who have perfect outlook are hard to get people’s acceptance, because people will treat the pretty women’s success as the lure of their bosses. This is most people’s impression about pretty women, they think the pretty girls don’t have special talent, people own their success to the pleasure of boss. While on the other hand, handsome men are easier to get people’s acceptance, the good looking will make men impress others, people admit the hand guys, for they think they are not only talented, but also attractive. Pretty women and handsome men get different treatment when they succeed, we should not judge people from their outlook.


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