
时间:2021-02-27 16:23:48 高中作文 我要投稿




英语高中作文 篇1

  Recently, there are a lot of good movies brought to the screen. The final chapter of wolverine catches the audience’s attention. It is so hard to say goodbye to this strong image. The actor Hugh Jackman play so well and a lot of girls are crazy about him. The handsome face and perfect body shape make Jackman always be the one of the hottest male actors in the world. While he and his wife’s love story touches so many people. Before Jackman get famous, he meet his wife. She was beautiful and smart, but much older than him. They fell in love and soon get married. Many years have passed, his wife became old and fat. However, Jackman is so hot, and he loves his wife all the time. This is a perfect love story, and a good man deserves his fans to be followed.


英语高中作文 篇2

  as the owner of the country ,it is everyone’s duty person with good manners ,good manners are very important in our lives ,they help to get on well with each other.

  a person with good manners is kind and polite , he does not laugh at people who they are in trouble .instead,he tries to help them .he knows to help others means tohelp himself .he doesn’t jump the queue when getting on a bus or a train .on a bus he often affers his seats to an old man or a woman with a baby.he doesn’t interrupt other people when they are talking.he doesn’t spit or litter in public,either.

  if everyone tries his best to be a person with good manners ,our society will becomen a peaceful and beautiful world .let’s be a person with good manners to make a contribution to holding the olympic ganmes in beijing.

英语高中作文 篇3

  what is the origin of the world? one theory is that there is no origin at all and the world has been there always. however, this leads to a parado since if there was infinitely long time before us then we would not have emerged at all. but if we never emerged in this world then how could we be asking the question here? so it is logically more plausible that the world has an origin. having laid down the foundation of our discussion, now we can proceed to consider the theories about the origin of the world. a person believing in god will say an omnipotent diving being created the world and provided all the physical principles governing it. an atheist, on the contrary, will contend that there is no god and the world evolved to its form today on itself. both theories are plausible and we cannot prove or disprove, with reasonable confidence, either one of them. however, it is arguably favorable for a person to believe in one of the theories, so as to have a basic comprehension of the world we are living in. these questions may seem trivial to normal people but could be intriguing to philosophers, mathematicians, and theoreticians. i hope i can become one of those people.

英语高中作文 篇4

  It is Chinese tradition to give children red pocket money during Spring Festival. The red pocket money means the good wishes to the children. But as the time went by, the amount of money needs to be added, and some people even judge a person by the money that he gives to the children. It has become a burden for the young people, because if they don’t give a lot of red pocket money to the children, others will look down upon them. For the young people, they are under great pressure. They need to pay for the house and meet the basic needs. Sometimes the pocket money may cost more than a month’s salary. What a great burden. The meaning of red pocket money is to bring luck to children, instead of asking for money.

英语高中作文 篇5

  father's love

  it was raining and i was dragging myself back from school. father had not got back home yet and i thought he must have forgotten it was my 18th birthday today. if my mother had not died yearsago she would have prepared lots of good dishes for my supper, but now i had to cook a very simple meal, waiting for my father's return.

  hours passed.still my father did not appear.this made me very sad.i couldn't help saying to myself, "mum, mum ..." with tears in my eyes. i felt cold and lonely, listening to the wind blowing outside and the drops of rain tapping on the windowpane.

  it was about eight o'clock when suddenly there came a gentle knock. hardly had i answered the door when father came in. he was wet all over with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

  "happy birthday, my child," said he, and pretending to be cheerful, put the bouquet of flowers into my hands, "i had been toyour mother's gravethia afternoon.on the way home i went to many shops to get this as a birthday present. i hope yon'll like it, my dear."

  with tears in my eyes, i held the flowers tightly to my chest, saying in a trembling voice, "thank you, father.your love is the best gift for me. "(220words )







英语高中作文 篇6


  无职衔的男子:mr. wang/zhang

  已婚女子:mrs wang/zhao

  未婚女子:miss wang/zhang

  博士:dr. zhang

  教授:pro. lin


  如:dear dr. smith/dear madam/dear sir





  best wishes!/ good luck!/give my best wishes to your family!/looking forward to your reply!


  sincerely yours/yours sincerely/truly yours/yours respectfully/respectfully yours


  17th dec.

  dear mother and father,

  i feel very excited at the thought that in another week i shall be with you again on holiday. i have enjoyed my stay in england very much indeed. mr. dowson and my fellow students are all very nice to me. but, as they say in england, “there’s no place like home,” and i think one feels this above all at christmas time.

  i am leaving here early on thursday, the 23rd, and i shall arrive in basle on friday morning, so i shall be home somewhere about lunch time. can you meet me at the station, as i shall have a lot of luggage?

  i’ve got some christmas presents for you all. i’m not going to tell you what your presents are, so it will be a surprise. i hope you will like them.

  how are you all at home? i hope you are all keeping well. see that father always puts on his big coat when he goes out, so that he doesn’t catch cold. i can’t say how much i want to see you and my brother all again.

  love and all good wishes,



  dear 1 ,

  i would like to apply for a position in your company. 2 .

  i enclose my resume which describes my education and work experience. 3 .

  i would appreciate it very much if you could give me a chance. i look forward to your reply.

  yours sincerely,



  ① 正确的称谓

  ② 信息来源及求职原因

  ③ 具体介绍自己的情况及适合这职位的原因

  ④ 署名

英语高中作文 篇7

  I have a happy family. My family have five poeple:grandpa, grandma, father, mother, and me.

  My grandparents live in countryside. They have six rooms. The room is big. There are two apple in the ground. They have sixteen goats and three cows. The goat is white. The cow is yellow. They are healthy.

  My parents and me live in city. My father is a worker. His work is hard. My mother is a high school's Chinese teacher, She take bicycle go to work at seven'clock. In the afternoon, she doesn't go home. In the evening, she make supper. The food is delicious. I am a student. I have Chinese, math and English everyday. That is boring. I have many friends. After class, I play with my friends.

  We are tried, but we are very happy. I love my family.

英语高中作文 篇8

  More Concern for Children Issue

  suppose fudan is to choose the hottest newsmakers through public appraisal of the past year, two prodigies, man zhou and han han, will certainly stand beside the celebrities in scientific domain. still being controversy, however, their appearances in prestigious fudan challenge the conventional attitudes toward children cultivation. these two fortunes favorites eemplify some talents who successfully make their own decisions and achieve preliminary accomplishments.

  there is no skepticism that our society is eperiencing a profound reformation. as most sociologists indicate, children are a more sensitive and particular group that deserves intensive attention. people readily witness the construction development while the distinct shifts that children confront are neglected. decades ago, people usually need not, or to some etent, could not make their own decisions because the so called "screw spirit" was adrotated greatly. one has no choice but to conform and adjust to the arrangement. compared to their predecessors, present freedom and choices are more readily available to children. almost everything ranging from education to career, religion to marriage is up to ones own wills. as a consequence, more emphasis should be attached to cultivating childrens ability to make their own decisions independently. in this way they will adjust better futures fierce competitions.

  given that children should be entitled to make decisions,there emerges another problem how to make them efficiently.creativity and talent of children are not new. it is just that their personalities and characteristics are becoming more pronounced.unfortunately, it frequently happens that one born to be movie star who may probably win oscar award someday is ecluded in a drama club in school;an innate business elite is dismissed only in the name of violating the rules by selling christmas cards on campus; a more universal story is that the vast majority of children are merely ordinary people whose requests refer to leading a pacific life. how can parents or teachers impose their values of becoming someone on a child whose propensity is devouring a bestseller during spare time and going to movies with his or her spouse on weekends and refusing to working on additional hours in the unreasonable ecuse of a boss. although one is supposed to eert his utmost in some field, he also possesses the right to choose his or her own life style.

  the intricacy of children issue lies not only in the lack of decision making opportunities, but also in being overlooked their essence children, meaning naive and credulous. it grieves us that the rate of adolescent crimes has been spiraling continuously. the number of teenagers involved in illegal se, violent hooliganism and drug abuse is still shockingly spiraling. some people often boast that the new generation are the best one ever before, but few of them are aware of the tough situation. we should not be overoptimistic and it is high time we took some substantial actions to cope with it. it is not lawmakers job, but the entire societys responsibility.

  the ongoing debate concerning children will remain an eternal topic and we must call on more concerns toward them. it is generally accepted that the children nowadays determine future rivals among countries. consequently, it is worth our enthusiasm and wisdom to resolve this problem.

英语高中作文 篇9

  British advocate "gentleman" and "Ladies style", and "Ladies first." In daily life, the British note instruments, dress smartly, the British A Gift is shaking hands. When dealing with people, pay attention to with honorifics "please", "thank you" and "sorry". English breakfast dish is very rich, there is a range eggs, cereal, bacon, ham, sausage, butter, jam, bread, milk, juice, coffee, etc., are generally welcomed by Western countries. In addition, the British like drinking tea, there are around 3 in the afternoon tea habit, as a British people to enjoy a cup of tea, but also as a social.



英语高中作文 篇10



  2. 通过本次实习,在教学工作的过程中向优秀教师学习,认识人民教师的光荣职责,树立和巩固忠诚人民教育事业的思想.



  Xx中学是一所教育局直属初级中学,建于1988年,占地面积58029平方米,建筑面积19366平方米。现有教职工128人,专任教师110名,30个教学班,1667名在校生。学校全面贯彻党的教育方针,以“办人民满意的教育”为目标,以“培养学生可持续发展能力,为学生的明天负责”的办学思想,以“德育为先,能力为重,全面发展”为教育理念,以“合作创新,学有特长,身心两健,全面发展”为育人目标,以“规范、精细、品位”为工作方针,追求卓越,争创名校。坚持以人为本,加强队伍建设,强化教学管理与研究,不断提高教学质量,实现了中考“二十一连冠”。学校以优异的成绩,在清苑育苑独树一帜,多次受到省市县领导的表扬与肯定。曾获得 “保定市示范性初中”、“保定市名校”、“河北省安全文明校园”、“河北省绿色学校”、“河北省双语教学实验校”、 “河北省体育传统项目学校”、“河北省依法治校示范校”、“ 河北省校务公开示范校”、“河北省网络教育模式与绩效实验研究实验学校”、“河北省现代教育技术示范校”等荣誉称号。













  我一共进行了两次试讲,每次大约20分钟。第一次试讲讲的是课本内容,,另一次使讲解课后作业。3月22日,我在初一六班进行了一次试讲。上课内容是Starter Unit4:what’s this in English?由于第一次上课没有太多经验,我在教学风格上部分模仿了我的指导老师,此外也添加一些自己的内容。比如,为了吸引学生的兴趣,我将简笔画与口语练习相结合,并以此复习学生们已经学过的单词。我的第一次试讲取得了较好的效果,指导老师也给予了肯定。当然,还是存在一些不足,比如,由于紧张,我犯了一个口头错误,在让学生做练习的时候少加了一句重要的句型。在课堂后,我在教室后面检查板书,发现板书格式不太规范。在与指导老师以及其他几位听课老师交流后,我将自己的优缺点都记下,为下次讲课做改进。








